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Older Than Dirt
Born Died
54th Great Grand Parents
Geberich, King of the Ostrogoths
Children: Hrothisteus, King of the Ostrogoths
Goths . . . no, not the strange folks who hang around malls with tattoos, pierced whatever and wearing black clothes; these Goths migrated out of southern Sweden in the second century into southeast Europe. There they split into two groups, the West Goths (or Visigoths) and the East Goths (or Ostrogoths). By the fifth century, the Visigoths had migrated into Spain, while the Ostrogoths invaded and conquered Italy.

Gibica de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy ± 310
Krimhild ± 340
Children: Godomar de Bourgogne
Burgundy (or Bourgogne, in French) covering what is today, southeast France was during much of the Middle Ages, its own country, the Kingdom of Burgundy. Interesting history; country got its name from the Danes who came there. In the first century, from the Danish island of Bornholm (called Burgundarholm back in Medieval days) in the Baltic, people migrated south toward the Roman Empire. As the Roman Empire declined, these early Burgunds gradually took control over the area.
53rd Great Grand Parents
Hrothisteus, King of the Ostrogoths
Children: Atanarich, King of the Ostrogoths

Godomar de Bourgogne ± 335
Children: Giolahaire (Giolahainede) de Bourgogne
52nd Great Grand Parents
Giolahaire (Giolahainede) de Bourgogne ± 360
Children: Gundicus de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy

Atanarich, King of the Ostrogoths 381
Children: Hrothildis, Princess of the Ostrogoths
51st Great Grand Parents
Gundicus de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy 385 Oder Vistula River region, Germany 436 Burgundy
Hrothildis, Princess of the Ostrogoths
Children: Gunderic de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy

Weldephas, King of Thuringia 365
Children: Basin Von Thuringia
50th Great Grand Parents
Gunderic de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy 473
Children: Chilperich de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy

Merovee, King of the Franks 411 France 458
Verica, Princess of Sweden 419 Sweden ± 458
Children: Childeric I, King of the Franks
a Sicambrian chieftain, Merovee was crowned King of the Franks at Tournai in 448 and became the founder of the Merovingian dynasty. Dispite their name, the Franks were not French; but were a Germanic tribe.

Basin Von Thuringia ± 390 Thuringia, Germany
Basine Von Saxony 414
Children: Basinia Andovera II von Thuringia
49th Great Grand Parents
Childeric I, King of the Franks 436 Westphalia, Germany 481
Basinia Andovera II von Thuringia 438 Thuringia, Germany 470
Children: Clovis I "the Great", King of the Franks

Chilperich de Bourgogne, King of Burgundy ± 448 491
Children: St. Chrotechilde de Bourgogne
48th Great Grand Parents
Clovis I "the Great", King of the Franks 465 511 Paris, France
St. Chrotechilde de Bourgogne 475 Burgundy, FRANCE 548 Tours, FRANCE
Children: Clothaire I, King of the Franks

(Half-King) Berthar Von Thuringia
Children: Princess Ingonde von Thuringa
47th Great Grand Parents
Clothaire I, King of the Franks 498 561 Compiegne, France
Princess Ingonde von Thuringa 502 Thuringia, Germany
Children: Bildechildis (Blithildis) of Cologne
46th Great Grand Parents
Governor of Moselle Ansebert (Ausbert) ± 506 Old Saxony, GERMANY 570
Bildechildis (Blithildis) of Cologne ± 523 Paris, Seine, France 580
Children: Arnulf Bishop of Metz
45th Great Grand Parents
Arnulf Bishop of Metz 601
Children: Oda (Doda or Clothilde) de Heristal
44th Great Grand Parents
Bishop of Metz St. Arnulf (Arnoul) ± 582 Heristal, Austrasia, France 641 Horenberg Monastrery, Wasenwald
Oda (Doda or Clothilde) de Heristal 580 Saxony > 612 Trier, Rhineland, GERMANY
Children: St. Clodolf Bishop of Metz
43rd Great Grand Parents
St. Clodolf Bishop of Metz 596 Austrasia, FRANCE 690 Metz, Austrasia, FRANCE
Children: Kunza (Gunza) de Treves
42nd Great Grand Parents
Warinus (Guerin), Count of Poitiers 640 Austrasia, Lorraine, France 677
Kunza (Gunza) de Treves
Children: Lambert de Hesbaye

Braut-Onund Ingvarsson, King of Sweden 638 Sweden
Children: Ingjald Braut-Onundsson, King of Sweden

Algaut Gautreksson 639 Sweden
Children: Gauthild Algautsson
41st Great Grand Parents
Lambert de Hesbaye < 677 > 725
Children: Robert, Count de Hesbaye

Alleaume 665
Children: Williswinda

Charles Martel 687 741
Children: "the Short" Pippin III
Charles, succeeded his father as “Mayor of the Palace” of Austrasia, the eastern half of the Frankish empire, ruled by the Merovingians. As Mayor he actually wielded greater power than the Merovigian king he technically served. Martel means “hammer” and he became known as Charles the Hammer or Charles Martel. He succeeded in re-uniting both halves of the Frankish empire and even taking control of Burgundy and Aquitaine. His greatest acheivement was defeating the Moors at the Battle of Tours in 732, stopping the Muslim advance into Europe.

Ingjald Braut-Onundsson, King of Sweden 660 Sweden
Gauthild Algautsson 664 Sweden
Children: Olaf "Tree-Hewer" Ingjaldsson, King of Vestfold

Halfdan Solfasson ± 660 Soleyum, Sweden
Children: Solveig Halfdansdatter

Sigtryg Vendil ± 671 Vendil, Denmark
Children: Agnar Sigtrygsson
40th Great Grand Parents
Robert, Count de Hesbaye 700
Williswinda 695
Children: Guerin, Count de Thugovie

"the Short" Pippin III 714 768
Bertrada de Laon 720 783
Children: Emperor Charlemagne Holy Roman Empire

Olaf "Tree-Hewer" Ingjaldsson, King of Vestfold ± 682 Vermaland, Vestfold, Norway 710
Solveig Halfdansdatter ± 684 Soleyum, Sweden
Children: Halfdan "White Leg" Olafsson, King of Uplanders

Agnar Sigtrygsson ± 693 Vestfold, Norway
Children: Erik Aagnarsson

Eystein "Haardaade" Throndsson, King of Hedmark 683 Uppland, Norway 710
Solveig Halfdansdatter ± 670 of Trondheim, Norway
Children: Asa Eysteinsdotter, Hogne Eysteinsson
39th Great Grand Parents
Guerin, Count de Thugovie 715 772
Children: Bouchard "the Constable" de Corsica

Emperor Charlemagne Holy Roman Empire 742 Ingelheim 814 Aachen, Prussia
Hildegard of Swabia
Children: Emperor Louis I "The Pious" Holy Roman Empire
While today, we consider Charlemagne (Charles or Carl the Great) to be the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; technically though, he wasn't. He was, however, King of the Franks and certainly consolidated much of Europe under his control and governed the territory that would become the Holy Roman Empire.

Girard I, Count of Paris 710 730
Children: Bego, Count of Paris

Luitfride II, Count of Upper Alsace 740 Alsace, Lorraine, France 780
Hiltrude 744 Upper Alsace, France
Children: Hugues III, Count of Upper Alsace

Halfdan "White Leg" Olafsson, King of Uplanders 704 Romerike, Norway
Asa Eysteinsdotter ± 705 Uppland, Norway
Children: Eystein I Halfdansson, King of Vestfold, Godfrey Halfdansson, King of Heidark

Alfarin, King of Alvheim 730
Children: Alfhild Alfarinsdatter

Erik Aagnarsson ± 715 Vestfold, Norway
Children: Hilda Eriksdatter
38th Great Grand Parents
Bouchard "the Constable" de Corsica ??
Children: Aubry "the Burgundian", Count de Fezensac

Childebrand, Duke of Provence
Children: Sigebert, Count of Rouergue

Bego, Count of Paris 795 Paris, Seine, France 861
Alpais of France 810 France 851
Children: Lisiard, Count of Fezensac, Adelaide of Paris

Emperor Louis I "The Pious" Holy Roman Empire 778 Chasseneuil 840 Ingelheim
Ermengarde de Hesbaye 778 Hesbaye, Liege, Belgium 818 Angers, France
Children: Alpais of France, Emperor Lothair I Holy Roman Empire, Miss, Princess of France, Louis II "The German", King of East Franks

Hugues III, Count of Upper Alsace 765 Upper, Alsace, France ± 839
Bava ± 780 Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France
Children: Aelis of Alsace & Tours, Ermengarde of Tours

Hunroch I, Margrave of Friuli ± 780 Friuli, Italy > 811
Engeltron of Paris ± 783 Paris, Seine, France
Children: Eberhard I, Margrave of Friuli, Amadeus, Count of Burgundy

Eystein I Halfdansson, King of Vestfold 725 Raumariki, Vestfold, Norway 780
Hilda Eriksdatter ± 730 Vestfold, Norway
Children: Halfdan II Milldi Eysteinsson, King of Vestfold

Godfrey Halfdansson, King of Heidark 738 Heidark, Vestfold, Norway
Alfhild Alfarinsdatter 752 Norway
Children: Olaf Godfreysson, King of Jutland & Vestfold

Hogne Eysteinsson ± 700 of Trondheim, Norway
Children: Eystein Hognasson
37th Great Grand Parents
Aubry "the Burgundian", Count de Fezensac ± 775 France
Children: Bouchard de Fezensac

Lisiard, Count of Fezensac
Grimildis of Aquitaine
Children: Gerard de Rousillon, Count of Paris

Sigebert, Count of Rouergue
Children: Foucaud

Boson "l'Ancien", Count of Valois 855
Children: Hugbert, Count of Valois

Halfdan II Milldi Eysteinsson, King of Vestfold 750 Western Scandinavia 800 Borre, Vestfold, Norway
Hilf Dagsdatter 755 Holturn, Norway
Children: Ivar I Oplaendinge Halfdansson, Jarl of Norway

Edmund Eriksson 832 Sweden
Children: Erik Edmundsson, King of Sweden

Olaf Godfreysson, King of Jutland & Vestfold 770 Vestfold 840 Vestfold
Children: Rognvald Olafsson

Boso III of East Franks, Count of Turin ± 800 Turin, Italy ± 855
Children: Herbert Marquis of Transjuranian Burgundy, Richilde of Arles

St William I, Count of Toulouse ± 751 Languedoc, Toulouse, France 812
Gilbour of Hornbach ± 760 of Prussia
Children: Cunigunde de Gellone, Wialdruth of Toulouse

Louis II "The German", King of East Franks ± 805 Germany 876
Children: Carloman, King of Bavaria

Emperor Lothair I Holy Roman Empire 795 Altdord, Bavaria 855 Abbey of Pruem, Rheinland, Prussia
Ermengarde of Tours 800 Alsace, Lorraine, France 850/51
Children: Louis II, King of Italy Holy Roman Empire, Lothair II, King of Lorraine

Aethelred I, King of Wessex ± 825 Wessex, England 871 Merton, Torrington, Devonshire, England
Wulfthryth ± 827 England
Children: Elfgifu, Princess of Wessex

Eystein Hognasson ± 738 of Trondheim, Norway
Children: Miss Eysteinsdatter

Amadeus, Count of Burgundy ± 799 Bourgogne, France > 827
Children: Miss, Countess of Burgundy, Anscar II, Count of Orcheret Marquis of Ivrea

Gorm Enske, King of Sjaelland Denmark ± 820 Denmark
Sida ± 830 Denmark
Children: Harold Parcus, King of Sjaelland Denmark
36th Great Grand Parents
Gerard de Rousillon, Count of Paris 790 877
Bertha de Tours 790
Children: Eve de Rousillon

Children: Raimund I de Toulouse

Hugbert, Count of Valois 864
Children: Theobald, Count of Arles

Bouchard de Fezensac ± 800 France
Children: Geoffrey, Count of Orleans

Aethelwulf, King of Kent & Wessex 806 Wessex, England 857/58
Osburh 810 Wessex, England ± 855
Children: Alfred I "The Great", King of England, Aethelred I, King of Wessex

Aethelred II Mucil, Earl of Mercia 825 Mercia, England 911
Eadburh Fadburn 830 Mercia, England
Children: Ealswith of Mercia

Ivar I Oplaendinge Halfdansson, Jarl of Norway ± 778 of Uppland, Norway
Miss Eysteinsdatter ± 780 of Trondheim, Norway
Children: Eystein Glumra Ivarsson, Jarl of the Upplands

Rognvald Olafsson 790 Jutland, Norway
Children: Aseda Rognvaldsdatter

Torquat of Rennes 800 Rennes, Anjou, France
Children: Tertulle I, Count d' Anjou

Hugo "The Bastard" L'Abbe 794 Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia 844 Utrecht, Netherlands
Miss de la Franks ± 798 Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia
Children: Petronilla d 'Auxerre

Thierry I "The Treasurer", Count of Autunois ± 790 Autun, France 880
Miss, Countess of Burgundy 818 Bourgogne, France
Children: Thierry II, Count of Chaunois, Richard of Sens & Troyes

Budwine, Count of Metz ± 820 Italy 864
Richilde of Arles ± 825 Arles, France 855
Children: Boso V Count of Vienne, King of Provence, Miss, Countess of Metz

Odoscer 810 Flanders, France 864
Children: Baudouin I "Iron Arm", Count of Flanders

Emperor Louis I "The Pious" Holy Roman Empire 778 Chasseneuil 840 Ingelheim
Judith of Bavaria 800 Bavaria, Germany 843 Tours, France
Children: Gisele of France, Emperor Charles II Holy Roman Empire

Odo I, Count of Orleans 798 Orleans, Loiret, France 834
Engeltrude of Paris 805 Paris, Seine, France
Children: Gebhard, Count of Lahngau, Ermentrude de Orleans

Bernard I, King of Italy 797 Vermandois, Normandy, France 818 Milan, Italy (blinded by Louis I)
Cunigunde de Gellone 797 France 835
Children: Pepin, Count of Senlis & Peronne & St Quentin

Rutpert II, Count of Upper Rhine & Wormgau < 770 Wormgau, Saxony, Germany > 807
Theoderata 770 789
Children: Rutpert III, Count of Wormgau

Conrad I, Count of Aargau & Auxerre ± 800 Auxerre, Burgundy, France 863
Aelis of Alsace & Tours ± 819 Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France ± 886
Children: Conrad II, Count of Aargau & Auxerre

Louis II "The Stammerrer", King of France 846 France 879 Compiegne, Oise, France
Adelaide of Paris 844 Paris, Seine, France 901
Children: Ermentrude, Princess of France

Bruno, Duke of East Saxony ± 786 Saxony, Germany 843 Saxony, Germany
Susana de Montfort 790 Montfort-sur-Risle, Eure, Normandy, France
Children: Ludolph, Duke of Saxony

Carloman, King of Bavaria 828 Bavaria, Germany 880
Litwinde of Corinthia ± 830 Corinthia, Bohemia
Children: Arnulf Emperor of Germany

Theodore, Count of Bavaria ± 815 Bavaria, Germany
Children: Oda of Bavaria

Wolpert Von Ringleheim 800 Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
Alburgis 800 Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
Children: Reginhart I, Count of Ringleheim

Lothair II, King of Lorraine ± 835 Alsace, Lorraine, France 869 Piacenza, Italy
Waldrada 836 Lorraine, France ± 868
Children: Berthe of Lotharingia

Gerard, Count of Auvergne ± 795 Auvergne, France
Miss, Princess of France ± 800 France
Children: Ranulph I, Duke of Aquitaine

Rorick I, Count of Maine 804 Maine, Normandy, France
Blichilde 808 Maine, Normandy, France
Children: Blichilde de Maine

Erik Edmundsson, King of Sweden 849 Sweden 900
Children: Bjorn "The Old" Eriksson, King of Sweden

Emperor Basil I of The Byzantine Empire 812 Adrianople, Adria, Turkey 886
Eudoxia Ingerina 835 Constantinople, Turkey 882
Children: Emperor Leo VI of The Byzantine Empire

Count Billung of Saxony 780 Saxony, Germany
Aeda of Franks 784 Saxony, Germany
Children: Oda Billung Saxony

Louis II, King of Italy Holy Roman Empire ± 822 France 875 Near Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
Engelberge ± 835 France ± 900
Children: Ermengarde de Lorraine

Gui II Duke of Spoleto, King of Italy ± 810 Spoleto, Perugia, Italy 894
Angiltrude ± 810 Italy
Children: Suppo, Margrave of Spoleto

Erispoe, Duke of Brittany ± 800 Brittany, France 857
Children: Miss de Brittany

Harold Parcus, King of Sjaelland Denmark < 846 Denmark 899
Elfgifu, Princess of Wessex ± 850 Wessex, England
Children: Gorm "the Old", King of Denmark
35th Great Grand Parents
Hermengild, Count d' Alby
Children: Gersende d' Alby

Raimund I de Toulouse 863
Children: Ode de Toulouse

Rudolf, King of Burgundy
Children: Willa II of Burgundy

Theobald, Count of Arles 854 Arles, France 895
Berthe of Lotharingia 863 Lorraine, France 924/25 Lucca, Tuscany, Italy
Children: Teutberga de Arles, Boso, Count of Arles

Geoffrey, Count of Orleans ± 825
Children: Adele (Aelinde) d' Amboise

Eystein Glumra Ivarsson, Jarl of the Upplands ± 810 Denmark 862 Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway
Aseda Rognvaldsdatter ± 812 Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway
Children: Rognvald "The Wise" Eysteinsson Jarl of More

Tertulle I, Count d' Anjou 821 Rennes, Anjou, France
Petronilla d 'Auxerre 825 Rhineland, Prussia
Children: Ingelger I, Count of Orleans & Anjou

Alfred I "The Great", King of England 849 Wantage, Berkshire, England 899 Winchester, Hampshire, England
Ealswith of Mercia 849 Mercia, England 905
Children: Edward I "The Elder", King of England, Aelfthryth, Princess of England

Earl Ethelhelm ± 848 of Wessex, England
Children: Aelflaed

Hrolf Nefia 823 Norway
Children: Hiltrude Raginhilde Hrolfsdottir

Thierry II, Count of Chaunois 838 Chaunois, France 893
Miss, Countess of Metz 845
Children: Monassas I, Count of Chalons

Boso I, King of Burgundy 845
Children: Ermengarde

Theodore I, Count of Ardennes ± 841 Ardennes, France
Children: Richard I "The Justiciar", Duke of Burgundy

Conrad II, Count of Aargau & Auxerre ± 835 Auxerre, Burgundy, France 887
Ermentrude ± 840 Burgundy, France
Children: Adelaide of Auxerre

Baudouin I "Iron Arm", Count of Flanders 837 Flanders, Belgium 879 Arras, Flanders, Belgium
Judith, Princess of France ± 846 France 870
Children: Baudouin II "The Bald", Count of Flanders

Emperor Charles II Holy Roman Empire 823 Frankfurt, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 877 Brides-les-Bain, Brios, France
Ermentrude de Orleans 825 Orleans, Loiret, France 869
Children: Rothilde de Neustria, Judith, Princess of France, Louis II "The Stammerrer", King of France

Pepin, Count of Senlis & Peronne & St Quentin 818 Vermandois, Normandy, France 848 Milan, Italy
Children: Herbert I, Count of Vermandois

Rutpert III, Count of Wormgau < 789 Wormgau, Saxony, Germany ± 834
Wialdruth of Toulouse 795 Jutland, Germany
Children: Robert I "The Strong", Duke of France

Louis II "The Stammerrer", King of France 846 France 879 Compiegne, Oise, France
Luitgarde of Saxony ± 848 Saxony, Germany
Children: Ermengarde de France

Ludolph, Duke of Saxony ± 816 Saxony, Germany 866
Oda Billung Saxony ± 817 Saxony, Germany
Children: Otto "The Illustrious", Duke of Saxony, Luitgarde of Saxony

Arnulf Emperor of Germany 850 Saxony, Germany 899
Oda of Bavaria ± 845 Bavaria, Germany
Children: Hedwig, Princess of Germany

Reginhart I, Count of Ringleheim 828 Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
Matilda 833 Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
Children: Theodoric I, Count of Ringleheim

Gottfried 820 Friesland, Germany
Matilda 820 Friesland, Germany
Children: Ludmilla Ragnhildis

Richard of Sens & Troyes ± 836 Troyes, France > 885
Children: Garnier I, Count de Sens & Troyes

Ranulph I, Duke of Aquitaine ± 825 Poitou, Aquitaine, France 866
Blichilde de Maine ± 827 Maine, Normandy, France
Children: Ranulph II, Count of Poitou

Bjorn "The Old" Eriksson, King of Sweden 867 Uppsala, Sweden 950
Children: Olaf "Mitkg" Bjornsson, King of Sweden

Ermentrude, Princess of France 870 Paris, Seine, France
Children: Cunegonde of France

Guerri I, Count of Morvois ± 820 Morvois, France
Eve de Rousillon ± 820
Children: Bertha Beatrice de Morvois

Eberhard I, Margrave of Friuli ± 820 Friuli, Italy ± 864
Gisele of France 820 Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany 874
Children: Berengar I, King of Italy Holy Roman Emperor

Suppo, Margrave of Spoleto ± 832 Spoleto, Perugia, Italy
Children: Bertila of Spoleto

Eberhard III, Count of Nordgau ± 835 of Nordgau Region, Medieval States > 898
Arlinda 840
Children: Hugo III Von Hohenburg, Count of Nordgau

Emperor Leo VI of The Byzantine Empire 866 Constantinople, Turkey 912
Zoe Zautsina ± 870 Constantinople, Turkey 899 previously his mistress
Children: Anna of Byzantium

Gebhard, Count of Lahngau 826 Laungau, Hesse, Germany 879
Children: Gebhard, Count of Wetterau

Boso V Count of Vienne, King of Provence ± 845 Vienne, France 887
Ermengarde de Lorraine ± 855 Lorraine, France < 897
Children: Emperor Louis III Holy Roman Empire

Gurwant de Rennes ± 825 Rennes, France
Miss de Brittany ± 825 Brittany, France
Children: Miss de Rennes

Gorm "the Old", King of Denmark ± 870 Denmark 931
Thyra of Jutland ± 870 Jutland, Denmark
Children: Herfast de Crepon
34th Great Grand Parents
Ode de Toulouse 918
Gersende d' Alby
Children: Raimund II de Toulouse

Rognvald "The Wise" Eysteinsson Jarl of More ± 830 Maer, Nordtrondel, Norway 890 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Hiltrude Raginhilde Hrolfsdottir ± 840 Orkney Islands, Scotland
Children: Rollo Rognvaldsson, Duke of Normandy

Herfast de Crepon ± 890 Normandy, France
Children: Herbastus de Crepon

Monassas I, Count of Chalons 865 Chalons, Champagne, France 920
Ermengarde 870 France 935
Children: Gislebert, Count of Chalons & Burgundy

Richard I "The Justiciar", Duke of Burgundy ± 867 Ardennes, France 920/21 Auxerre, Bourgogne, France
Adelaide of Auxerre ± 872 Auxerre, Bourgogne, France 929
Children: Ermengarde de Burgundy

Ingelger I, Count of Orleans & Anjou 845 Anjou, France 888 St Martin, Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France
Adele (Aelinde) d' Amboise ± 844 Tours, France
Children: Foulques I "Le Roux", Count of Anjou

Garnier de Villentrois, Seigneur de Loches ± 848 Loches, France
Toscanda ± 858
Children: Roscille de Loches

Roger Comte du Maine 850 Maine, France
Rothilde de Neustria 855 France ± 928
Children: Herve Comte du Maine

Edward I "The Elder", King of England 875 Wessex, England 924 Farndon on Dee, Farrington, Berkshire, England
Aelflaed ± 878 of Wessex, England
Children: Emliane Aelgiva, Princess of England

Berenger, Count de Bayeux 847 Bayeux, Normandy, France (Neustria) 886 Viking attack at Bayeaux, Normandy, France
Miss de Rennes ± 855 Rennes, France
Children: Poppa de Bayeaux, Juhel Beranger, Count of Rennes

Baudouin II "The Bald", Count of Flanders ± 865 Flanders, France 918
Aelfthryth, Princess of England 868 Wessex, England 929
Children: Arnold I, Count of Flanders

Herbert I, Count of Vermandois ± 840 Vermandois, Normandy, France 902 Vermandois, Normandy, France (murdered)
Bertha Beatrice de Morvois ± 850 Morvois, France
Children: Miss de Vermandois, Herbert II, Count of Troyes & Vermandois, Beatrix de Vermandois

Robert I, King of France 866 Bourgogne, France 923 Soissons, France
Aelis 870 France
Children: Liegarde, Princess of France

Robert I "The Strong", Duke of France 820 Auxerre, Nevers, France 866 (slain by Northmen of No
Aelis of Alsace & Tours ± 819 Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, France ± 886
Children: Robert I, King of France

Otto "The Illustrious", Duke of Saxony ± 836 Saxony, Germany 912
Hedwig, Princess of Germany ± 860 Germany 903
Children: Henry I "The Fowler" Holy Roman Empire

Theodoric I, Count of Ringleheim 853 Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany
Ludmilla Ragnhildis 858 of Friesland, Germany
Children: Mathilda of Ringleheim

Rudolph I, King of Burgundy 880 Bourgogne, France
Children: Willa, Princess of Burgundy

Ranulph II, Count of Poitou ± 855 Poitou, Aquitaine, France 890
Ermengarde de France ± 865 France
Children: Ebles Mancer, Count of Poitou

Garnier I, Count de Sens & Troyes 868 Troyes, France 925
Teutberga de Arles ± 879 Arles, Provence, France < 948
Children: Teutberge de Sens

Boso, Count of Arles 885 Tuscany, Italy 936 Beheaded
Willa II of Burgundy
Children: Rotbald I, Count of Arles

Anscar II, Count of Orcheret Marquis of Ivrea ± 827 Bourgogne, France 898 Ivrea, Piedmont, Italy
Giselle ± 855 Ivrea, Italy
Children: AdalbertI, Margrave of Ivrea

Berengar I, King of Italy Holy Roman Emperor 850 Fruili, Italy 924 Murdered in Verona, Italy
Bertila of Spoleto ± 860 Spoleto, Perugia, Italy 915
Children: Gisele of Fruili, Princess of Italy

Billung, Count of Saxony ± 900 of Saxony, Germany
Children: Hermann Billung, Duke of Saxony

Gebhard, Count of Wetterau 866 Schwaben, Bavaria 910
Children: Udo, Count of Wetterau

Wigeric, Count of Triergau & Ardennes 882 Luxembourg 919
Cunegonde of France ± 890 Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia > 923
Children: Luitgarde of Luxembourg

Olaf "Mitkg" Bjornsson, King of Sweden 885 Sweden
Ingeberg Thrandsdotter 886 Uppsala, Sweden
Children: Gunhild Olafsdatter

Hugo III Von Hohenburg, Count of Nordgau ± 870 of Nordgau Region, Medieval States 940
Hildegard de Ferrette ± 876 of Nordgau Region, Medieval States
Children: Eberhard IV Von Hohenburg, Count of Nordgau

Emperor Louis III Holy Roman Empire ± 883 Arles, Provence, France 928 Arles, Provence, France
Anna of Byzantium ± 887 Constantinople, Turkey ± 914
Children: Charles Constantine, Count de Vienne
33rd Great Grand Parents
Raimund II de Toulouse 923
Gudinilde > 923
Children: Raimund III of Toulouse

Raimund Borrel I of Barcelona 972 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1017/18
Ermensinde De Carcassonne ± 975 Carcassonne, Aude, France
Children: Raimund Berenger I of Barcelona

Rollo Rognvaldsson, Duke of Normandy ± 860 Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway ± 932 Notre Dame, Rouen, France
Poppa de Bayeaux 872 Evreux, Normandy, France ± 938 France
Children: William I "Longsword", Duke of Normandy, Gerloc of Normandy

Herbastus de Crepon ± 911 Normandy, France
Gunhild Olafsdatter 923 Sweden
Children: Gunnora de Crepon

Juhel Beranger, Count of Rennes ± 875 Rennes, France 970
Gerberge ± 925 France
Children: Conan I, Duke of Brittany

Hubert, Count de Saint Lis ± 880 Bretagne, France
Children: Sprota de Saint Lis

Foulques I "Le Roux", Count of Anjou 870 Anjou, France 938
Roscille de Loches ± 875 Loches, France
Children: Foulques II "Le Bon", Count of Anjou

Herve Comte du Maine 880 Maine, France 914
Children: Gerberge du Maine

Gislebert, Count of Chalons & Burgundy 890 Chalons, Champagne, France 956 Bourgogne, France
Ermengarde de Burgundy ± 893 Bourgogne, France 952
Children: Adelaide of Burgundy

Arnold I, Count of Flanders ± 890 Ghent, Flanders, Belgium 964
Alix de Vermandois 915 Vermandois, Normandy, France 960 Bruges, Aquitaine, France
Children: Baudouin III, Count of Flanders

Herbert II, Count of Troyes & Vermandois 885 Vermandois, Normandy, France 942/43 St Quentin, France
Liegarde, Princess of France 895 Vermandois, Normandy, France 931 France
Children: Alix de Vermandois, Robert I, Count of Meaux & Troyes

Robert I, King of France 866 Bourgogne, France 923 Soissons, France
Beatrix de Vermandois 880 Vermandois, Normandy, France > 930/31
Children: Hugh Magnus, Count of Paris Duke of France

Hermann Billung, Duke of Saxony ± 922 of Saxony, Germany
Hildegardis ± 922 of Saxony, Germany
Children: Mathilde Billung of Saxony

Henry I "The Fowler" Holy Roman Empire ± 876 Saxony, Germany 936 Membleben, Saxony, Germany
Mathilda of Ringleheim ± 890 Ringleheim, Goslar, Hannover, Germany 967/68 Membleben, Saxony, Germany
Children: Hedwige of Saxony

AdalbertI, Margrave of Ivrea ± 880 Turin, Italy 923
Gisele of Fruili, Princess of Italy ± 880 Italy 910
Children: Berengarius II, King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea

Boso, Count of Arles 885 Tuscany, Italy 936 Beheaded
Willa, Princess of Burgundy 906 Bourgogone, France
Children: Willa of Tuscany

Richwin, Count of Verdun ± 875 Verdun, France 923
Cunegonde of France ± 890 Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia > 923
Children: Siegfried, Count of Luxembourg

Eberhard IV Von Hohenburg, Count of Nordgau ± 910 of Nordgau Region, Medieval States 973
Luitgarde of Luxembourg ± 915 Luxembourg
Children: Hedwig of Nordgau

Udo, Count of Wetterau 890 Schwaben, Bavaria 949
Miss de Vermandois ± 892 Vermandois, Normandy, France 949
Children: Herbert I, Count of Gleiberg

Ebles Mancer, Count of Poitou ± 880 Poitou, Aquitaine, France 932
Emliane Aelgiva, Princess of England 902 Wessex, England
Children: William I, Count of Poitou

Rotbald I, Count of Arles Arles, Provence, France 949
Ermengarde d' Aquitaine ± 895 France
Children: Boso II, Count of Provence

Charles Constantine, Count de Vienne ± 901 Arles, Provence, France 961/62 Vienne, France
Teutberge de Sens ± 900 France ± 960
Children: Constance de Provence

Megingoz, Count of Avalgau 888 Avalgau, Germany
Children: Irmentrude of Avalgau
32nd Great Grand Parents
Raimund III of Toulouse ± 961
Children: William III "the Taillefer", Count of Toulouse

Baudouin III of Flanders ± 933 Flanders, Nord, France 962
Mathilde of Flanders ± 969 Burgundy, France
Children: Bertha of Flanders

Rotbold de Venaissin 923
Ermengarde of Provence
Children: Emma de Venaissin

William III "Towhead" of Aquitaine ± 929 Poitiers, Vienna, France 963
Princess Adele of Normandy ± 897 Normandy, France > 962
Children: Guillaume IV of Aquitaine

Tancreed De Hauteville
Children: Robert I "Guiscard" of Hauteville

Adalbert of Ivrea ± 947 Italy ± 965
Gerberge of Burgundy ± 952 Italy
Children: Otto, King of Lombard Count of Burgundy

Renaud De Roucy ± 931 Reims, Marne, France 972/73
Alberade De Lorraine ± 930 Lorraine, France 972/73
Children: Gilbert De Roucy, Ermentrude (Irmtrude) of Rheims

Raimund Berenger I of Barcelona 1005 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1035
Sancha Sanchez of Castile ± 1006 Castilla, Spain 1026
Children: Raimund Berenger I (II) of Barcelona

Bernard I Marche
Children: Almodis de la Haute Marche

Savery III of Thouars 955
Children: Geoffroi V of Thouars

Children: Hildeburg

Helpuin d' Arcis-Sur-Aube ± 930 A., France > 970
Children: Hildouin II of Montdidier

Emperor of the Byzantine Empire
Children: Anna, Princess of the Byzantine Empire, BasilII, Emperor of the \Byzantine Empire\

Richard I "The Fearless", Duke of Normandy 933 Normandy, France 996 Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France
Gunnora de Crepon ± 936 Normandy, France 1031 France
Children: Richard II "The Good", Duke of Normandy

Conan I, Duke of Brittany 927 Bretagne, France 992 killed
Ermengarde d' Anjou ± 952 Anjou, France 992
Children: Judith of Brittany

William I "Longsword", Duke of Normandy ± 891 Rouen, Normandy, France 942 killed at Picardy, France
Sprota de Saint Lis ± 911 Bretagne, France ± 972
Children: Richard I "The Fearless", Duke of Normandy

Foulques II "Le Bon", Count of Anjou ± 909 Anjou, FRANCE 958 Tours, FRANCE
Gerberge du Maine ± 913 Maine, Arles, FRANCE > 952
Children: Geoffroy I "Grisegonnelle", Count of Anjou, Adelaide "Blanche" d' Anjou

Baudouin III, Count of Flanders ± 930 Flanders, France 961/62
Mathilde Billung of Saxony 937 Saxony, Germany 1008
Children: Arnulph (Arnold) II, Count of Flanders

Berengarius II, King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea ± 900 Italy 966 Bamberg
Willa of Tuscany ± 924 of Tuscany, Italy > 974
Children: Rosela of Italy

Siegfried, Count of Luxembourg ± 922 Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 998
Hedwig of Nordgau ± 933 Luxemburg 992
Children: Frederick I, Count of Salm & Luxembourg

Herbert I, Count of Gleiberg 925 Kinzig, Hessen, Germany 992
Irmentrude of Avalgau 935 Avalgau, Germany
Children: Irmentrude of Gleiberg

Hugh Magnus, Count of Paris Duke of France ± 895 Paris, Seine, France 956 Deurdan, France
Hedwige of Saxony 910 Saxony, Germany > 964/65 Aix-La-Chapelle, France
Children: Hugh Capet, King of France

William I, Count of Poitou ± 915 Poitiers, Vienne, France 963 France
Gerloc of Normandy ± 920 France 962 ??
Children: Adela(ide) de Poitou

Robert I, Count of Meaux & Troyes ± 920 Vermandois, Normandy, France 968
Adelaide of Burgundy ± 916 Bourgogne, France ± 959
Children: Adelaide of Vermandois

Boso II, Count of Provence 915 France 968
Constance de Provence ± 917 Arles, Provence, France ± 963
Children: William II, Count of Arles & Provence
31st Great Grand Parents
Mieszko II, King of Poland 990 1034
Children: Kazimierz I "The Restorer" of Poland, Gertruda of Poland

Otto, King of Lombard Count of Burgundy ± 958 Lombard, Italy 1027
Ermentrude (Irmtrude) of Rheims ± 953 Rheims, Marne, France < 1004/05
Children: Agnes, Countess of Burgundy, Renaud I of Burgundy, Gerberge of Burgundy

Guillaume IV of Aquitaine ± 949 Aquitaine, France 994/95 France
Countess Emma Champagne
Children: Guillaume V "The Grand" Aquitaine

Aimon I of Vienne 1016
Bertha of Flanders 1008
Children: Gerold of Geneva

Geoffroy I "Grisegonnelle", Count of Anjou 938 Anjou, France 987
Adelaide of Vermandois ± 950 Vermandois, Normandy, France 976
Children: Gerberga of Anjou, Foulques III of Anjou, Adela of Anjou

William III "the Taillefer", Count of Toulouse ± 947 Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France 1037
Emma de Venaissin 949
Children: Pons II, Count of Toulouse & Albi

Anastasiva Yaroslavna of Kiev ± 1023 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine > 1074
Children: Adelaida of Hungary

Judith Schweinfurt ± 1010 Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, Bavaria 1058
Children: Vratislav II of Bohemia

Vladimir I "The Great" of Kiev 960 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine 1015 Berestovo, Kiev, Ukraine
Anna, Princess of the Byzantine Empire 962/63 Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey 1011
Children: Dobronegra Mariva of Kiev

Olderic Suza 978
Bertha of Ivrea 980
Children: Adelais Suza

Humbert I (Umberto) of Savoy ± 972
Ancelie von Lenzburg 974
Children: Eudes of Savoy

Heinrich Schweinfurt ± 950 Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, Bavaria 1017
Herberge, Countess of Swabia ± 952
Children: Judith Schweinfurt, Eilike Von Schweinfurt

Duncan Mormaer ± 949 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Children: Crinan Mormaer

Malcolm II, King of Scotland ± 970 Scotland 1034 Glamis, Forfarshire, Scotland
Queen of Scotland ± 962 Scotland
Children: Bethoc (Beatrix) of Scotland

Ethelred II "The Unready", King of England ± 968 Wessex, England 1016 London, Middlesex, England
Alfgifu (Aelflaed), Queen of England ± 968 Wessex, England
Children: Edmund II "Ironside", King of England
"Unready" is a mistranslation of the Old English word "unraede", which means "ill advised"

Morcar of England ± 960
Edgitha of England ± 960
Children: Algitha, Queen of England

Bruno of Brunswick 960 Derlingo, Westfriesland ± 1013
Gisele Dutchess of Swabia 999 Schwaben, Bavaria 1042/43
Children: Liudolf Friesland, Count of Brunswick

Aubri of Gatinais ± 950 Gatinais, France > 990
Children: Geoffroy I "Ferreol" of Gastinois

Alberic II Macon
Ermentrude (Irmtrude) of Rheims ± 953 Rheims, Marne, France < 1004/05
Children: Beatrice of Macon

Garcia III, King of Navarre ± 955 Spain 1000
Chimine, Queen of Navarre ± 960 Navarre, Spain
Children: Sancho III, King of Navarre

Hildouin II of Montdidier ± 960 Montdidier, Somme, France > 992
Children: Hildouin III Montdidier, Manassess Dammartin

Gilbert De Roucy ± 956 Reims, Marne, France ± 985 Reims, Marne, France
Children: Ebles I de Roucy

Sancho Garces of Castile
Children: Munia Elvira, Princess of Castile

Richard I "The Fearless", Duke of Normandy 933 Normandy, France 996 Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France
Mistress of Richard I of Normandy ± 935 Normandy, France
Children: Geoffrey Brionne

Raimund Berenger I (II) of Barcelona 1023 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1076 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Almodis de la Haute Marche ± 1000 Toulouse, Toulouse, France 1071 Murdered
Children: Raimund Berenger II of Barcelona

Robert I "Guiscard" of Hauteville ± 965 Normandy, France 1101
Sigelgaita of Salerno ± 970 Salerno, Italy
Children: Mathilda d' Apulia & Hauteville

Vladimir I "The Great" of Kiev 960 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine 1015 Berestovo, Kiev, Ukraine
Rogneda Polotsk ± 962 Polotsk, Polotsk, Byelorussia 1002
Children: Yaroslav I "The Wise" of Kiev

Olaf III "Skotkonung", King of Sweden ± 950 Sweden 1022
Princess Astrid of the Obotrites ± 979 Sweden
Children: Ingrid (Ingegerda), Princess of Sweden
The Obotrites were a Slavonic tribe living in the Mecklenburg area of Germany.

Otto II (Rufus) Holy Roman Empire 955
Children: Otehilde Germany

Arnulf of Holland ± 935 Gand, Flandre Orientale, Belgium 993
Liutgard of Luxembourg ± 963 Bruxelles, Brabant, Belgium > 995
Children: Dirk III of Holland

Bernard I, Duke of Saxony 976 1010/11
Hildegarde 978 1011
Children: Bernard II, Duke of Saxony

Geoffroi V of Thouars 985 Thouars, V., France 1043 S., Spain
Aenor 989 Thouars, V., France
Children: Aimery IV of Thouars

Adela of Anjou ± 960 Anjou, France 1029
Children: William II of Provence

William de Hainault
Children: Amauri (Amaury) Montfort

Guillaume De Gometz ± 975
Children: Bertrade de Gometz

William de Belleme ± 966 Belleme, Perche, France
Hildeburg ± 970 France
Children: William Talvas

Herbert III de Vermandois
Children: Otho (Otto) Vermandois

Renaud De Creil ± 970 Creil, Oise, France > 1047
Children: Hugh De Creil

Torf "The Rich" De Harcourt ± 900 Normandy, France
Ertemberge De Brioquibec ± 930 Normandy, France
Children: Tourude De Harcourt

Gauthier II "Le Blanc", Count of Vexin ± 944 Vexin, Normandy, France 1027
Alix (Adele) Senlis ± 944 Isle De, France
Children: Alix De Vexin

Herfast ± 975
Children: Osbern Steward of Normandy

Ralph of Ivry ± 978
Children: Emma of Ivry

Ralph II (Rodulf) S. Toeni < 970
Children: Roger "The Spainard" (Conches) Toeni

Berenger II of Italy
Children: Urracca of Italy

Rainer III Hainault ± 924
Adele (Alice) Equisheim
Children: Lambert I "le Barbu" de Louvain

Estrid Svendsdatter, Princess of Denmark ± 967 Denmark 9 MAY
Children: Biorn (Estridsen) Ulsiusson

Richard II "The Good", Duke of Normandy ± 963 Normandy, France 1026 Fecamp, Seine, Inferieure, France
Judith of Brittany 956 Bretagne, France 1017 Normandy, France
Children: Alice of Normandy, Richard III, Duke of Normandy, Robert I "The Magnificent", Duke of Normandy

Arnulph (Arnold) II, Count of Flanders ± 941 Flanders, Nord, France 987 Chapel de St Laurent, France
Rosela of Italy ± 952 Luxembourg 1002/03 Gent, Flanders, France
Children: Baudouin IV "The Bearded", Count of Flanders

Frederick I, Count of Salm & Luxembourg ± 965 Moselgau, France 1019
Irmentrude of Gleiberg ± 965 Gleiberg, Germany
Children: Ogive of Luxembourg

Hugh Capet, King of France ± 939 Paris, Seine, France 996 Paris, Seine, France
Adela(ide) de Poitou ± 952 Germany 1004 France
Children: Robert II "the Pious", King of France

William II, Count of Arles & Provence 950 Arles, Provence, France 994 Arles, Provence, France
Adelaide "Blanche" d' Anjou ± 950 Anjou, France 1026 Arles, Provence, France
Children: Constance d' Arles
30th Great Grand Parents
Kazimierz I "The Restorer" of Poland 1016 Krakow, Krakow, Poland 1058
Dobronegra Mariva of Kiev ± 1011 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine 1087
Children: Wladislaw I of Poland

Guillaume V "The Grand" Aquitaine 995 Poiter, France 1029/30 France
Agnes, Countess of Burgundy ± 995 Bourgogne, France 1068
Children: Agnes Aquitaine, Guillaume VI (VIII Gottfried) Aquitaine

Guillaume II Taillefer
Gerberga of Anjou ± 962 Anjou, France
Children: Geoffrey Taillefer

Izyaslav I, Grand Duke of Kiev 1025 Turov, Polesye, Byelorussia 1078
Gertruda of Poland ± 1020 Krakow, Krakow, Poland 1107/08
Children: Svyatopolk II Mikhail of Kiev

Yaroslav I "The Wise" of Kiev 980 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine 1053/54 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
Ingrid (Ingegerda), Princess of Sweden ± 1001 Upsala, Upsala, Sweden 1049/50 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
Children: Izyaslav I, Grand Duke of Kiev, Anastasiva Yaroslavna of Kiev, Grand Duchess Anna Agnesa of Kiev

Gerold of Geneva ± 1012 Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland ± 1045
Gisela Geneva
Children: Joan De Geneva

Ratpoto IV Cham 1034
Mathilde 1036
Children: Ida Cham

Ernst "The Valiant", Margrave of Austria ± 1024 Tulln, Niederoesterreic, Austria 1075
Adelheid Ostmark ± 1041 Meissen, D., Saxony 1071
Children: Leopold II, Margrave of Austria

Pons II, Count of Toulouse & Albi ± 990 Toulouse, France 1060 Sernin, Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Almodis de la Haute Marche ± 1000 Toulouse, Toulouse, France 1071 Murdered
Children: Guillaume IV, Count of Toulouse

Mainard "the Rich" d' Archais
Children: Petronilla d' Archais

Hugues I de Foucauld
Gerberge de Chatellerault
Children: Boson II de Chatellerault

Vratislav II of Bohemia ± 1035 Praha, Praha, Czechoslovakia 1091/92
Adelaida of Hungary ± 1038 Esztergom, Komarom, Hungary 1061/62
Children: Judita I, Princess of Bohemia

Emperor Konrad II Holy Roman Empire 990 Burgundy, France 1039 Utrecht
Gisele Dutchess of Swabia 999 Schwaben, Bavaria 1042/43
Children: Emperor Heinrich III Holy Roman Empire

Crinan Mormaer ± 975 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland 1045 Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland
Bethoc (Beatrix) of Scotland ± 984 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Children: Duncan I, King of Scotland

Seward Northumbia
Children: Sibyl Fitzsiward

Edmund II "Ironside", King of England ± 992 Wessex, England 1016 London, Middlesex, England
Algitha, Queen of England 995 Wessex, England
Children: Edward "Atheling", Prince of England

Liudolf Friesland, Count of Brunswick ± 1011 Brunswick, Germany 1038
Gertrude Von Egisheim ± 999
Children: Agatha Von Brunswick

Bernard Roger
Children: Gisberga Bigorre

Robert "The Old", King of France ± 1011 France 1075/76 Fleury-Sur-Ouche, France
Ermengarde Anjou 1075/76 Anjou, France ± 1075/76 Anjou, France
Children: Hildegarde, Princess of France

Aimery IV of Thouars ± 1015 Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France 1093 L., France
Auremgarde Moulcon ± 1017 Moulcon, France
Children: Eleanor of Thouars, Ildegarde of Thouars

Geoffroy I "Ferreol" of Gastinois ± 970 Gastinois, France 1000
Beatrice of Macon ± 974 Macon, Seine-Et-loire, France
Children: Geoffroy II "Ferreol" of Gastinois

Foulques III of Anjou 967 Anjou, France ± 1040 Anjou, France
Hildegarde Anjou ± 964 Anjou, France 1046 Jerusalem, Palestein
Children: Ermengarde Anjou

Sancho III, King of Navarre ± 980 Navarre, Spain 1034/35
Munia Elvira, Princess of Castile ± 985 Castile, Spain
Children: Ferdinand I "The Great", King of Castile

Alphonso V, King of Leon 989
Elvira 991
Children: Sancha, Princess of Leon

Sancho III, King of Navarre ± 980 Navarre, Spain 1034/35
Urraca of Navarre
Children: Ramiro of Aragon

Robert II "the Pious", King of France 972 Orleans, France 1031 Meulan, France
Constance d' Arles 985 France 1032 Melun, Seine-et-Marne, France
Children: Henri I, King of France, Robert "The Old", King of France, Adele (Alix) of France, Constance, Princess of France

Dirk III of Holland ± 981 Gand, Flandre Orientale, Belgium 1039
Otehilde Germany 993 Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, Bavaria 1043/44
Children: Floris I of Holland

Bernard II, Duke of Saxony 1002 1059
Eilike Von Schweinfurt 1004 Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, Bavaria ± 1055
Children: Gertrud of Saxony

Eudes of Savoy ± 1002 1059/60
Adelais Suza 1004
Children: Amadeo II, Count of Savoy

Renaud I of Burgundy ± 986 Bourgogne, France 1057 France
Alice of Normandy ± 990 Normandy, France > 1037 France
Children: Guillaume I of Burgundy

Raimund Berenger II of Barcelona ± 1055 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1082
Mathilda d' Apulia & Hauteville ± 1059 Apulia, Calabria, (Puglia), Italy 1083
Children: Stephanie of Barcelona, Raimund Berenger III of Barcelona

Hildouin III Montdidier ± 1000 Montdidier, Somme, France
Children: Hildouin IV, Count of Montdidier

Ebles I de Roucy ± 994 Roucy, Aisne, France 1033
Beatrix de Hainault 998 Hainault, Belgium
Children: Alice (Adela) De Roucy

Dalmace I Semur ± 970
Aremburge De Vergy ± 980
Children: Helie Ermengarde Brionnais Semur

William II of Provence ± 981 France 1018
Gerberge of Burgundy ± 986 France
Children: Geoffrey I of Arles

Amauri (Amaury) Montfort 993 > 1030/31
Bertrade de Gometz ± 1001 Ile de France, France
Children: Simon I Montfort

Thibault de Montlhery ± 983 Montlhery, France
Children: Guy de Montlhery

William Talvas ± 1000 Belleme, Perche, France
Children: Mabel Talvas

Roger de Montgomery ± 980 France
Josceline ± 989 France
Children: Roger de Montgomery

Jean De Conteville ± 969 Conteville, France
Children: Oda De Conteville, Viscount de Conteville Harlevin

Gillacaemphin O'Toole ± 1005
Children: Doncuan O'Toole

Otho (Otto) Vermandois ± 979
Irmgard of Reinald ± 984
Children: Herbert IV Vermandois

Geoffrey Brionne ± 953 Brionne, Normandy, France 996 Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France
Children: Gilbert FitzGodfrey Crispin, Count d'Eu& Brionne

Osbern De Bolebec ± 975
Avelina de Crepon ± 954
Children: Walter Giffard

Gerald Flaitel ± 985 Longueville, Normandy, France
Children: Agnes Ermentrude Fleitel

Hugh De Creil ± 990 France 1060
Children: Ermengardis of Clermont

Tourude De Harcourt ± 940 Pont Audemer, France
Wevia (Duceline) De Crepon ± 942 Pont Audemer, France
Children: Humphrey (De Vieilles) Harcourt

Robert of Meulan ± 965 Mellent, Normandy, France
Alix De Vexin ± 970 Mellent, Normandy, France
Children: Waleran Meulan

Osbern Steward of Normandy ± 1000 Normandy, France
Emma of Ivry ± 1008 Ivry, France
Children: William Fitzosbern

Roger "The Spainard" (Conches) Toeni ± 990 ± 1039
Godeheut (Godehilde) Borrell ± 995 > 1077
Children: Alice (Adelise) C. Toeni

Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine Franks < 953 Laon, Aisne, France 994 Kerker, Orleans, France
Bonne d' Ardennes ± 953 Ardenne, France
Children: Ermengarde Countess Namur, Princess of France, Gerberge de Lorraine

Gonzelon I, Duke of Lower Lorraine ± 967 Verdun, Meuse, France 1043
Urracca of Italy ± 974
Children: Oda de Lorraine

Lambert I "le Barbu" de Louvain ± 952 Louvain, Brabant, France 1015
Gerberge de Lorraine ± 977 Lower, Lorraine, France ± 1016
Children: Lambert II "Baudry" de Louvain

Walkelin (Walchelin) Ferrers ± 1010 Ferrieres, Normandy, France 1089 Normandy, France
Children: Henry Ferrers

Ranulph Peverel
Maud Ingelrica
Children: William "The Elder" Peverel, Earl of Hereford

Forne Fitzsigulf ± 998 Nunburholme, England > 1086
Children: Sigulf Fitzforne

Eustache I of Boulogne ± 1004 Boulogne, Vendee, France
Mahaut of Louvain ± 984 Louvain, Brabant, France
Children: Lambert of Boulogne

Biorn (Estridsen) Ulsiusson ± 990 Denmark ± 1047
Children: Siward of Biornsson Northumberland

Aldred of Bernicia ± 994 Bernicia, Northumbria, England ± 1039
Children: Aelfled of Bernicia
Bernicia was an ancient Saxon kingdom on the east coast of English-Scottish border.

Gervase De Grentmesnil 977
Children: Robert De Grentmesnil

Giroie De Eschauffen 981
Gisele De Montfort 983
Children: Hawise De Eschauffen

Yves I Beaumont ± 975 Beaumont-Sur-, Oise, Normandy, France
Gisele Chevreuse ± 980 Beaumont-Sur-, Oise, Normandy, France
Children: Yves II Beaumont

Geoffrey I of Mortagne
Elensie of Mortagne
Children: Routrou I of Chateaudun

Warin De Domfront
Children: Adeline of Domfront

Earl of East Anglia & Mercia Aelfgar III < 1030 Mercia, England 1059 Mercia, England
Princess of England Aelfgifu ± 997 Wessex, England
Children: Edith of Mercia

Richard, Count d' Evereux ± 986 Rouen, Seine-Inferior, France 1067 Normandy, France
Adela Estefania of Barcelona 990 Barcelona, Spain 1077
Children: Agnes d' Evreux

Fulbert de Falaise 978 Falaise, Clavados, France
Children: Herleve de Falaise

Baudouin IV "The Bearded", Count of Flanders ± 980 Flanders, Belgium 1036 Flanders, Belgium
Ogive of Luxembourg ± 995 Luxemburg 1029/30 Flanders, France
Children: Baldwin V, Count of Flanders
29th Great Grand Parents
Svyatopolk II Mikhail of Kiev 1050 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine 1113
Anna of Kiev 1051
Children: Sbyslava Svyatopolkovna of Kiev

Wladislaw I of Poland ± 1043 Krakow, Krakow, Poland 1102
Judita I, Princess of Bohemia ± 1056 Praha, Praha, Czechoslovakia 1086
Children: Boleslaw III "Crooked Mouth" of Poland

Qunormau Vagena
Children: Cundo Vagena

Leopold II, Margrave of Austria ± 1055 Tulln, Niederosterreich, Austria 1096
Ida Cham ± 1060 Cham, Oberpfalz, Bavaria > 1101
Children: Leopold III "The Saint", Margrave of Austria

Athon De Courtenay ± 985 Courtenay, Loiret, France
Children: Jocelin de Courtenay

Guy de Montlhery ± 1009 Montlhery, S-O, France
Hodierne de Gometz
Children: Guy de Montlhery, Isabel de Montlhery

Geoffrey Taillefer ± 988 Angouleme, Charente, France 1048
Petronilla d' Archais ± 994 Bonteville, France
Children: Foulques Taillefer

Emperor Heinrich III Holy Roman Empire 1017 1056
Agnes Aquitaine ± 1024 Aquitaine, France 1077
Children: Agnes, Princess of the Holy Roman Empire

Duncan I, King of Scotland ± 1013 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland 1040 Iona, near Elgin, Scotland
Sibyl Fitzsiward ± 1014 Northumberland, England 1040
Children: Malcolm III "Canmore", King of Scotland

Edward "Atheling", Prince of England 1016 Wessex, England 1057 London, Middlesex, England
Agatha Von Brunswick ± 1018 Braunschweig, Prussia 1024
Children: Margaret, Queen of Scotland

Guillaume VI (VIII Gottfried) Aquitaine ± 1026 Aquitaine, France 1086 France
Hildegarde, Princess of France ± 1049 Burgundy, France > 1104
Children: William IX of Aquitaine

Guillaume IV, Count of Toulouse 1040 Toulouse, France 1093 Holy Land, Palestine
Mathilde Toulouse ± 1052 France
Children: Philippa Mathilde Toulouse

Boson II de Chatellerault 1050 Chatellerault, Vienne, France
Eleanor of Thouars ± 1054 Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France
Children: Aimeri I de Chatellerault

Geoffroy II "Ferreol" of Gastinois ± 1000 Chateau Landon, Seine-et-Marne, France 1046 Anjou, France
Ermengarde Anjou 1075/76 Anjou, France ± 1075/76 Anjou, France
Children: Foulques IV "Le Rechin", Count of Anjou

Simon I Montfort ± 1025 Montfort, Eure, France 1087
Agnes d' Evreux ± 1030 Evreux, Normandy, France
Children: Bertrade Montfort, Amaury de Montfort, Count of Evreux

Henri I, King of France 1006 Reims, Marne, France 1060 Vitry, Brie, France
Grand Duchess Anna Agnesa of Kiev 1036 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine ± 1089 France
Children: Philip I, King of France, Hugh de CrepiMagnus, Duke of Burgundy

Floris I of Holland ± 1017 Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Netherlands 1061 Nederhemert, Gelderland, Netherlands
Gertrud of Saxony ± 1028 Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, Bavaria 1113
Children: Bertha of Holland

Amadeo II, Count of Savoy ± 1032 1079/80
Joan De Geneva ± 1040 Geneva, Switzerland
Children: Humbert II, Count of Maurienne & Savoy

Guillaume I of Burgundy ± 1040 Bourgogne, France 1987 France
Stephanie of Barcelona ± 1037 France > 1092
Children: Gisela of Burgundy, Raimund of Burgundy

Ferdinand I "The Great", King of Castile ± 1017 Castile, Spain 1065 Castile, Spain
Sancha, Princess of Leon 1015 1067
Children: Alfonso VI "The Valiant" of Castile & Leon

Hildouin IV, Count of Montdidier ± 1010 Montdidier, Picardy, France ± 1063
Alice (Adela) De Roucy ± 1014 Roucy, Aisne, France 1062
Children: Felicia of Aragon, Margaret Montdidier, Beatrice Montdidier

Robert I of Burgundy
Helie Ermengarde Brionnais Semur ± 1016
Children: Constance, Princess of Burgundy

Berenger Rodes ± 1029
Adyle Carlat ± 1031
Children: Gilbert Milhaud

Geoffrey I of Arles 1031 1063
Stephanie of Provence 1033 > 1095
Children: Gerberge of Provence

Guigue I of Albon
Children: Guigue II of Albon

Ramiro of Aragon 1063
Gisberga Bigorre 1059
Children: Sancho V, King of Navarre

Roger de Montgomery 1022 St Germain Montgomery, Normandy, France 1094 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Mabel Talvas 1026 Alencon, Eure, Normandy, France 1082 France
Children: Matilda de Montgomery, Maud de Montgomery, Robert II de Montgomery,3 rd Earl Shrewsbury

Hamo Dentatus ± 1002 France 1047 Val-es-Dunes
Children: Hamon Fitzhamo

Herbert IV Vermandois ± 1028 Vermandois, Normandy, France 1080 France
Hildebrante Valois ± 1032 Valois, Bretagne, France 1080
Children: Adelaide Vermandois

Doncuan O'Toole ± 1030 Ireland
Children: Gillachomhghalli O'Toole

Walter Giffard ± 1010 Longueville, Normandy, France 1084 France
Agnes Ermentrude Fleitel ± 1014 Longueville, Normandy, France France
Children: Rohese Giffard

Humphrey (De Vieilles) Harcourt ± 980 Pont Audemer, Eure, Normandy, France 1044 Normandy, France
Aubreye De La Haie ± 984 Pont Audemer, Eure, Normandy, France 1045
Children: Roger De Beaumont

Waleran Meulan ± 990 Mellent, Normandy, France 1069
Oda De Conteville ± 994 Mellent, N., France
Children: Adeline de Meulan

Ralph "The Staller" Norfolk < 1011 Brittany, France > 1067/68
Countess of Norfolk ± 1017 Norfolk, England
Children: Ralph De Seigneur Gael

William Fitzosbern ± 1030 Poitiers, P., France 1070/71 Flanders
Alice (Adelise) C. Toeni ± 1035 Tosni, France
Children: Emma Fitzosborne

Albert II of Namur
Children: Albert III of Namur

Albert I of Namur ± 975 1011
Ermengarde Countess Namur, Princess of France ± 975 Lower, L., France 1012
Children: Albert II of Namur, Hedwig De Namur

Lambert II "Baudry" de Louvain ± 995 Lorraine, France 1962
Oda de Lorraine ± 995 Lorraine, France 1044
Children: Henri II, Count of Lorraine

Eberhard Beteau
Children: Adele (Alix) Beteau

Bernard II Billung 1020
Children: Ida Billung

Drew De Baalun ± 1125 Gloucester, England England
Children: Eunice de Baalun

Richard Fitzscrob ± 1030 Hertfordshire, England
Children: Osborn FitzRichard, Sheriff of Hereford

Henry Ferrers ± 1036 Ferrieres, Normandy, France 1088 Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England
Bertha Roberts
Children: Robert De Ferrers

Andre Vitre ± 1054 Vitre, Brittany, France
Agnes De Mortaigne ± 1054 Mortagne, S-Mnch, France
Children: Hawise Vitre

Count Roger La Marche
Almodis, Countess of La Marche
Children: Avice de Lancaster

Thurston Basset ± 1030
Children: Ralph Basset

Sire D'Ouilly ± 1014 Oilly, France
Children: Nigel D'Oilly

Sigulf Fitzforne ± 1028 Nunburholme, England
Children: Fitzsigulf, Baron of Greystoke

Gerhard II Metz 1024
Gisela Alsace 1028
Children: Gerhard III, Count Alsace Duke of Upper Lorraine

Routrou I of Chateaudun ± 1014 France
Adeline of Domfront ± 1025 Domfront, Normandy, France
Children: Geoffrey II Perche

Engenulph de la Aigle
Children: Richard de la Aigle

Louis Mousson ± 978
Children: Louis Montibeliard

Frederic II Larraine ± 978
Mathilde De Suabe ± 980
Children: Sophie De Bar

Lambert of Boulogne 1054 Battle of, Lille
Adelaide Ponthieu ± 1017 Normandy, France < 1090
Children: Judith of Boulogne

Siward of Biornsson Northumberland ± 1012 Denmark 1055 York, Yorkshire, England
Aelfled of Bernicia ± 1016 Bernicia, Northumbria, England
Children: Waltheof, Earl of Northumbia

Ralph De Gand
Children: Gilbert De (Gaunt) Gand

Hugh Montfort
Children: Alice de Montfort

Robert De Grentmesnil ± 1003 Normandy, France 1038
Hawise De Eschauffen ± 1007 Normandy, France
Children: Hugh Grentmesnil

Yves II Beaumont ± 1005 Beaumont-Sur-, Oise, Normandy, France
Judith Beaumont ± 1008 Oise, France
Children: Adeliza (Alice) De Beaumont

Guy I Ponthieu ± 1036 France 1100
Ada 1006
Children: Agnes of Montreuil & Ponthieu

Edith of Mercia ± 1041 Saxe, Mercia, England > 1086
Children: Nesta verch Gruffudd

Viscount de Conteville Harlevin ± 1001 Conteville, France 1066
Herleve de Falaise ± 1003 Falaise, Calvados, France 1050
Children: Odo Bishop of Bayeux, Robert de Mortaigne, Earl of Cornwall, Emma de Conteville

Gilbert FitzGodfrey Crispin, Count d'Eu& Brionne ± 1000 Normandy, France 1040 Assassinated
Gunnora d' Anjou ± 984 France
Children: Richard FitzGilbert, 1st Earl de Clare, Esilia Crispin

William "The Elder" Peverel, Earl of Hereford ± 1040 Normandy, France 1113 England
Adeline ± 1054 Nottinghamshire, England 1119/20 England
Children: William "The Younger" Peverel of Nottingham, Adelise Peverel

Renaud de Creil, Chamberlain of Clermont 1010 Creil, Oise, France 1098 Clermont, Beauvais, Oise, France
Ermengardis of Clermont ± 1010 Clermont, O., France > 1098
Children: Hugh de Creil, Count of Clermont

Robert I "The Magnificent", Duke of Normandy ± 999 Normandy, France 1035 Nicea, Bithynia, Turkey
Herleve de Falaise ± 1003 Falaise, Calvados, France 1050
Children: William I "the Conqueror", King of England, Adelaide Ponthieu

Baldwin V, Count of Flanders ± 1013 Flanders, FRANCE 1067 Lille, FRANCE
Adele (Alix) of France ± 1009 FRANCE 1078/79 Monastere de L'O, Messines, France
Children: Matilda de Flanders

Older Than Dirt
Some people (Berenguer, Fulk, Herve, etc.) appear in two generations because they have descendents who married at different rates and eventually intermarried.